New Investment Options for Your Retirement Plan: Lifestyle Portfolio Collective Trust Funds

We are very excited to announce that, in 2017, Sentinel Pension Advisors (SPA) will be launching Collective Investment Trusts as a new vehicle for managing our Lifestyle Portfolio strategies within our clients' retirement plans.

Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) are pooled investment vehicles organized as trusts and maintained by a bank or trust company. By commingling, or pooling assets, sponsors of CITs may take advantage of economies of scale to help lower overall expenses and enhanced risk management.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • The growth of Collective Trusts in the retirement plan marketplace
  • The many advantages of utilizing a Collective Trust vehicle for Lifestyle Portfolio investing
  • What will change for current SPA clients, and what won’t, in the management of their Lifestyle Portfolios

For a copy of the recording or slide deck, reach out to your Sentinel Plan Advisor.


Matthew McPhail

Chief Investment Officer

View Matt's Bio

Sam Mitchell

President and CEO

View Sam's Bio